The MCUL Benefits Trust offers a plethora of great benefits to the credit union staff and family members that we cover. We’ve put together this guide to give you a good overview.
To help you better navigate your insurance benefits, we’ve also developed a series of one-page documents that we’re calling “Resource Roadmaps.” They address many of the common questions and situations that our covered members face. If one pertains to you (or piques your curiosity), give them a read. They’re short, informative, and can help smooth your way.
- My medical coverage is through a MEWA Trust, what does that mean?
- Why is it important to have a primary care provider relationship?
- I’m pregnant, what’s next?
- I’ve had a baby, what’s next?
- My child was born prematurely or with a disability, are there state and federal benefits I should know about?
- I’m getting married, fostering, or adopting a child, what’s next?
- I’ve lost a loved one, are there state or federal benefits I should know about?
- I’ve had an accident, what’s next?
- A member of my family is facing a major illness (including dialysis ESRD), are there state and federal benefits I should know about?
- I’m considering surgery, what’s next?
- I’ve been told I need an MRI, CT scan, mammogram, or other imaging, what’s next?
- When do I need to get precertified for services? When in doubt, precertify.
- Why do I want to use case management?
- I want help to manage a chronic disease, what’s next?
- I received a big balance bill, what’s next?
- I plan to retire early, what’s next?
- I’m turning 65, what’s next?
- Is there someone who can help me understand my state and federal benefits when it comes to retirement, social security, and medicare?
800-745-5546, ext 139
Direct: 406-324-7455
Federal legislation requires groups like ours to provide access to machine-readable files that include detailed pricing information for facilities and providers as well as detailing negotiated rates, historical payments, and prescription costs. This data is intended to provide opportunities for detailed research studies and data analysis plus giving third-party developers and innovators the ability to create solutions to help drive additional price comparison and consumerism in the healthcare market.
Our claims administrator, EBMS alongside our PPO network, First Choice Health Network, is working to provide this information. The link directly below shares these details.
In & Out of Network Rates (updated monthly)
Direct Contract Billings Clinic Provider Listing