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A Direct Line Blog

Navigating Turbulent Times

March 12, 2025 7:30 am

“Being a credit union board member in today’s financial landscape is a bit like being the captain of a ship caught in a hurricane – except the hurricane never ends, the maps are outdated, and the crew occasionally votes to change course mid-storm.”

Kevin Smith, TEAM Resources, noted this in his recent blog Navigating VUCA: A Survival Guide for Credit Union Board Members. Are you feeling it? Kevin does an excellent job in the blog of not only laying out his acronym VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) and also providing three key strategies to deal with each of them. In his blog, you’ll find resources for smooth sailing in your role and strategies to help you chart a course for success in the boardroom.

My favorite suggestion he makes is “Get comfortable with discomfort. If you need perfect clarity before making a decision, you’ll never make one. Ambiguity is part of leadership. Accept that some decisions will be made with incomplete data.” I hope you’ll take the time to read Kevin’s insightful blog so you can come away with your own favorite!

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