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A Direct Line Blog

Board Governance Resources

May 8, 2019 7:30 am

NCUA continues to build out the training and resources available in the Board Governance section of their online Learning Management Service. These short (2-5 minutes) videos are not only free, but they address relevant topics board members need.

Currently, your learning path has nine subject channels and a total of 36 videos to choose from. There are sessions on financial topics like Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and What is a CAMEL Rating? In addition, you’ll find thought-provoking titles such as Trends and Warning Signs, Where Do We Want to Be? How Do We Get There?, and even a session on Strategic Questions & Final Thoughts.

As your board develops your plan for the coming year, make sure you look to these training resources. The site also offers recorded webinars and resource guides, so you have plenty to choose from. The materials are not only valuable for new volunteers but can also provide a cohesive time for the whole board. You won’t regret taking a little time each month to improve when the end result is a better credit union for your members!

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