Author Archives for Donya Parrish

Dog Days of Summer

July 12, 2017 7:30 am Published by Comments Off on Dog Days of Summer

We are officially in the “dog days of summer” in Montana. You may have heard the expression and, like me,... View Article

Five to Thrive

June 21, 2017 7:30 am Published by Comments Off on Five to Thrive

Every now and then, a resource comes along that feels like it was meant for Montana’s credit unions. The CUNA... View Article

Board Recruitment Ideas

June 14, 2017 7:30 am Published by Comments Off on Board Recruitment Ideas

By Donya Parrish A couple weeks ago, I mentioned the great discussion that was held during the director forum at... View Article

What’s On Your Mind?

May 24, 2017 7:00 am Published by Comments Off on What’s On Your Mind?

By Donya Parrish Last week during the Power Up conference, credit union directors had an open forum session. After introductions,... View Article

Board Development Webinar

May 17, 2017 7:00 am Published by Comments Off on Board Development Webinar

A fantastic opportunity is coming up on May 24 for Board of Director Development. Associated Employers is holding a webinar... View Article

Think About Attending College

May 10, 2017 8:00 am Published by Comments Off on Think About Attending College

The National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors, or NASCUS, is holding some valuable training this summer and fall with a... View Article

Sound Corporate Governance

May 3, 2017 8:00 am Published by Comments Off on Sound Corporate Governance

It was October 2001 when the news broke about the Enron debacle. The company’s corruption and lack of oversight quickly... View Article